Piano Lessons for Adults

I enjoy working with adult students.  Piano lessons for adults are different than lessons for children.  Over the years I’ve found that every adult that comes in for lessons has a genuine desire to learn music, to learn to play the piano.  They aren’t there because someone else wants them to, THEY want to.  That’s very important.  I’ve had some people say they wish they had learned piano when they were young, but now it’s too late.  It’s NEVER too late to start learning.

One student that stands out in memory was an adult student in a busy profession.  He had grown up in a musical family but for whatever reason he was unable to take lessons.  He had never had music lessons.  Within a short time he was devouring pieces right and left, he was exploring entry level classical music, popular songs and each week finding new things to work on.  He discovered a talent that he had never realized before

Piano Lessons for Adults


Health Benefits of Piano Lessons for Adults

Beyond the benefits of learning any new skill, learning music has a positive effect on your quality of life and there is much research into the study of music delaying the onset of dementia and alzheimers by several years.  Music can be a stress reliever and can help us to focus mentally.  Music enhances the quality of life and the richness of our lives in many non-tangible ways.  All of this doesn’t take into consideration the basic need for expression that music can give voice to.

The bottom line is that it’s never too late to start learning the piano.  Some pick it up more quickly than others, but everyone can pick up and start honing and improving their skills today.

So, if you’re looking for adult piano lessons in Johnson City, call now to reserve your lesson time!
